Monday 3 September 2012

Love Hotels in Japan!

First off, I will be in Japan this week 05th September 2012 and I will take as many photos as I possible can to upload to this post when I get back. I will be visiting a Love Hotel!

What are they? Love Hotels are based in all major cities of Japan. They are themed roomed hotels where you can pay per hour or stay overnight. They provide private time for couples or lovers who might not have the space to be intimate as Japan is highly overpopulated. For example: You could be living in a small apartment with your parents and siblings and walls that are thin as paper therefore, you would not have any privacy to be able to be intimate sexually with your partner. I know many of us might have that problem at the best of times but at least most of us have our own room!

How to find them? The Love Hotels are generally easy to spot as they are windowless hotels with neon lights and they are quite obvious as it is not proclaimed as seedy as they have nothing to hide.

Going in: They do not have a reception desk so when you go in and choose your room from a computer screen or there might be a large Tv screen showing you the array of rooms to choose from. I have heard before that some Love hotels you just walk in and no one is around and you press some buttons on a screen, enter your preffered room, pay for how long you want to stay and when inside you can buy whatever toys you want through a hatch or vending machine or if you want to stay longer you do this through the screen or computer and hatch. It is good to know as it takes away the awkwardness of paying staff as they know why you are there and you might feel as though they are judging you by the room you pick.

Rooms: All the rooms have a certain theme so it really depends on your taste and whatever kinkiness you may be into ;)

Options: You have the options to "rest" which means that you will stay for a few hours or pay on an hourly rate or you can "stay" which means staying overnight although you may not be able to check in until 9pm as Love Hotels tend to make the most of their money on hourly rates or "rest" rates.

Themed Rooms: This one looks really nice and exotic although maybe a bit boring if you are going to go to a Love Hotel as you could see this anywhere but it is a nice bit of luxury.. I think I would like to get a ridiculous room just for giggles as they have Hello Kitty rooms (strange, I know) then anything from dominatrix to romantic themed rooms.This is hilarious .

Vending Machines: It would be safe to say 50 Shades of Grey would not have a patch on you once you leave a Love Hotel if you decide to use all it has to offer. There are vending machines with every sex object you can think of to have a bit of fun with.

Conclusion: All in all it would be a pretty cool experience to try it out and jump from fantasy to fantasy as you do not really get to make those things a reality in life very often. It has something for everyones taste so a must see when in Japan. If in Tokyo you can find Love Hotel Hill in Shibuya up the street from the 109 Shopping Centre.

Here are few more images that really give you an insight to the crazy themes you can choose. This makes me want to pay for every room just to see what is inside. If money allows I just might :)